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Monkeypox is a rare viral disease not often seen in the United States. Anyone can get monkeypox. Most people recover in 2–4 weeks, but the disease can be serious, especially for children and people who are immune compromised or pregnant. For more general information, see our monkeypox page.
Call (253) 649-1412. We will help you fill out an intake form and review exposure guidelines to evaluate close contacts.
Sign up for email alerts and choose " Health Advisories and Disease Alerts ."
View our monkeypox fact sheet for healthcare providers for how to identify, protect against, test, treat and report.
It can be easy to miss monkeypox or mistake it for herpes, syphilis, folliculitis or an abscess.
Lesions tend to appear and develop at the same time on an affected area of the body—like pustules on face or vesicles on legs. They progress through 4 stages—macular, papular, vesicular and pustular—before they scab and heal in 1–2 weeks.
Monkeypox mostly spreads through close, physical contact, and is far less likely to be spread in the air.
The virus spreads through contact with:
Monkeypox can spread as soon as symptoms start until all sores heal and a fresh layer of skin forms. This can be several weeks.
When you interact with a patient, wear:
Ask your lab if they test for monkeypox. Follow the lab's sample collection procedure. Labs that currently test for monkeypox:
Washington has no shortage of monkeypox tests.
Use tecovirimat (TPOXX) antiviral medication to treat people who are at high risk of severe disease. Lean more in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC’s) interim clinical guidance. To start the order process, call us at (253) 649-1412.
Vaccine is currently prioritized for close contacts. As more vaccine becomes available, we expect CDC will expand eligibility to at-risk populations.
If you’d like to provide vaccine, contact Elle Cooper at
3629 S. D St. Tacoma, WA 98418-6813
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